Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Playset

So this weekend Ryan and Grandpa Tim finally finished the kids playset. This was an early christmas gift from Grandma & Grandpa. Now all Kendall wants to do is go down the slide. I unfortunately caught the flu the kids had all week so I was not involved in all the exitement yesterday. Other than that, we have no big news to report. We are gearing up for Thanksgiving and looking forward to some good meals. Ryan's mom is coming into town so it will be nice to visit with her. Then we are going to the Valdez house for Thanksgiving (which I am really looking forward to). Hope everyone has a wonderful, family filled Thanksgiving. Hopefully more pics to come next week.


ariele post said...

looks like they love the new playset! have a great thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I heard there was an accident during the construction of the playset. Something about Tim hitting Ryan in the face with a board? Can you confirm if this was accidental or intentional?