Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hope for the Future

With times as tough as they are all I can do is have faith that it will be okay. I am so grateful to have such a great family and friends. Without them, going through times like this would be dreadful. As we approach Gavin and Kendall's 3rd birthday, all I can do is sit back and reflect on all the memories we have created thus far. I believe we need to go through these tough times to find out who we are and to see how faithful other people you are invovled with are, especially at work.

So enough about that, yesterday was Ryan's 29th birthday. We were able to go out to dinner with his dad and Wanda for an excellent dinner kids free! Now we are just getting ready for the 3rd birthday. We have opted to save money and not throw a big party this year. We figure we will save the money now and then this summer if things look better, we will take the kids to Disneyland or Sea World for a fun weekend.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Will it get better????

Our two angels...
So 2009 has got off to a rough start. We have had more cut backs at work because things are so slow. Ryan and I are both nervous and frustrated but realize this too will get better. It is just hard to sit back and see things go on that you don't always agree with. In an effort to not get myself all worked up about this I will change the subject.

Since the weekend of Christmas, the kids have been on and off sick. It all started wtih Gavin having a common cold. Then Kendall got pnemonia before New Years. Both got better and then yesterday Kendall was sent home with a 104.5 fever. Ends up she has hand, foot and mouth disease. Highly contagious and causing her a lot of pain. She has lots of little sores in her throat so she is not wanting to eat. She is enjoying eating lots of ice cream and popsicles though. Hopefully Gavin does not get this but I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

Well, that is about all I have for now. No good news to report on our end. Thank god for kids because on the worst of days, seeing their faces lights up my heart and gives me encoragement to fight through the tough times and look towards the future.